The Office Campus is a comprehensive concept, within the framework of which it is possible to implement a first-class, centrally located business park in the IX. district, near Hungária körút and Rákóczi bridge. The resulting building is ideal for companies looking for both smaller and larger office / service space.
The building also has office, service and warehouse areas, which are an ideal location for companies specialised in research and development activities. Smaller areas for logistics purposes can also be rented. The building offices and service / storage area on the ground floor, offices only on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors were built.
Rental area:
Groundfloor: 148m2+Gallery, 156m2, 177m2 WH, 710m2 WH
1st floor: 80m2 + GF, 256m2
2nd floor: 153m2, 193m2, 284m2, 461m2
3rd floor: 334m2, 903m2
Office rent: 12-13 EUR / sq m / month
Office service charge: 2400 HUF / sq m / month
Warehouse service charge: 1890 HUF / sq m / month
Parking: 35-45 EUR / lot / month
Warehouse rent: 6.50-7.50 EUR / sq m / month
Common area ratio: 6%
Address: 1096 Budapest, Gubacsi str. 6.